Full Name
Janne Flisrand
Job Title
Principal Consultant
Flisrand Consulting
Speaker Bio
Janne Flisrand has a special passion for the city of Minneapolis and how the way we build cities shapes people’s lives and daily choices. She's became a pro-homes advocate in 1997 when kids at the after-school program she ran shared their stories of home and being pushed out. She co-founded Neighbors for More Neighbors, the group that led the grassroots support of Minneapolis nationally-acclaimed comprehensive plan passed last year. She's focused on access to homes, reducing energy costs and expanding transportation choices through her consulting firm. On one project, she led a statewide affordable housing initiative that changed policy to ensure all subsidized homes meet healthy, green standards. She also owner-occupies a fourplex, co-founded Our Streets Minneapolis, and recently completed four years of service on the streets.mn board.
Janne Flisrand